The Buzz About Plan G and Plan G Extra


Plan G Extra is a separate plan, distinct from the regular Plan G or Inspire:  Think of it as constructed on a Plan G chassis or base plan, with some added benefits.  So what's the Buzz about the Plan G "Extra" benefits?  This San Jose- based independent agent can help you. There is no added cost to your policy when you use an agent.

Choosing The Best Medigap Plan G

What’s all the Buzz about Plan G and its “medigap cousin,” Plan G Extra?  For persons turning 65 on or after January 1, 2020, Plan G replaces the hugely popular Plan F.  Early feedback is Plan G is just as popular as before, and now, in 2024 there are additional plans to consider,  the appropriately named “Plan G Extra” (or Plan G Plus or Plan G Inspire, which is being withdrawn from Blue Shield’s portfolio) the name varies according to the medicare supplement insurer who issues it).

“Breaking News:  The popular Blue Shield of California Plan G Inspire will be withdrawn from the market for new enrollments, effective 4/1/2024.”  Please use our Calendly app if you wish to schedule a discussion about this plan with one of our licensed agents.

Plan G Extra Benefits

Plan G Extra is a separate plan, distinct from the regular Plan G:  Think of it as constructed on a

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Plan G chassis or base plan, with some added benefits.  So what’s the Buzz About the Plan G “Extra” benefits?  First, the premium difference is minor.  Second, the additional benefits are for services not covered by Medicare, so these are truly “bonus” coverages e.g. Vision, Hearing
Aide, Gym services etc.  Request a Q&A phone session with one of our licensed sales agents, using Calendly.

We are a bay area family-owned insurance agency representing United Healthcare and Blue Shield of California medigap plans for 2024 and 2025.  There is no extra cost to using a local agent.  But if you want to enroll quickly without talking to an agent, go to


View Blue Shield Comparison of Plan G and Plan G Extra or Inspire

Blue Shield is one of the insurers who offer both Plan G and Plan G Extra (not every insurer offers both plans).  For FAQs on Plan G, including summary of benefits, pricing and required disclosures, phone us at 408-252-7300.  There’s no obligation to buy from this Not-For-Profit, Northern California-based insurer.  Read more about Blue Shield’s Not-For-Profit status and other Blue Shield savings below.

Blue Shield Savings

With Blue Shield, there are several opportunities to save on your monthly plan dues. One example, is the savings due to increased efficiencies from administering Medicare Supplement plans are passed on to the subscriber, not Wall Street.  Blue Shield’s Not-For-Profit status means savings for you!  Continue below to checkout the Buzz about Plan G and Plan G Extra:

Blue Shield Plan G and Plan G Extra plans

Finally, an interesting aspect of the Plan G “extra” plans is the “additional benefits” vary from insurer to insurer. In fact, many insurers do not even offer the “extra” version of Plan G. Research Tip: It costs nothing (“extra”) to hire an independent agent to explain the differences. The premium is the same with or without the agent. Moreover, the insurer compensates the agent for enrolling you.  So chat with an agent today or just self-enroll at  You could also use the United Healthcare Local Agent Finder tool to find someone near you.

Watch this video on YouTube.
San Jose, California

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“We do not offer every plan available in your area.  Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area.  Please contact or 1-800-MEDICARE to get information on all your options.”