Leaving Medicare Advantage for Original Medicare

Returning To Original Medicare and Medigap Plan G


Top 3 Issues when Leaving Medicare Advantage and returning to Original Medicare. Number 1- do you qualify for guaranteed acceptance underwriting for Medigap Plan G or the more expensive Plan F?; Number 2- Did you actually lose your Medicare Advantage Plan or just your physician? Number 3- Avoiding disaster when you completing the application

People are leaving Medicare Advantage

We are expecting large numbers leaving Medicare Advantage and returning to original Medicare this (AEP) season. Frankly, people are just “done with it,” after last season’s plan closures.  Popular providers, such as Stanford and PAMF / Sutter dropped out of plans in 2024, and it appears more volatility is on the way in 2025.

Medicare provides multiple avenues to depart from Medicare Advantage and return to original Medicare Part A and Part B.  Should you do it?  This is a complex issue; Even if the answer is yes, disaster could await you when returning to traditional Medicare, should you find that an insurance company denied your application for supplemental medigap insurance [learn how in this 3-minute video].

Returning to Traditional Medicare

The difficulty rises when medical underwriting approval is required for your supplemental medigap application. Please don’t learn this news after you have returned to Traditional Medicare.  Fortunately, in certain instances underwriting may not be required.  An independent agent can help you evaluate your situation and provide technical assistance in preparing your application.

 “You may only get one shot at this, get advice before you act” Leaving Medicare Advantage for Original Medicare

Schedule your Free 15-minute Telephone Consult

This is where the DIY (do it yourself) crowd gets burned:   It’s a complex subject matter.  Fortunately, there are safe pathways back from Medicare Advantage to Traditional Medicare, but these “free gifts” are hard to find.

The Top 3 Issues When Returning to Original Medicare

Here are the Top 3 Issues when Leaving Medicare Advantage and returning to Original Medicare:

  1. The Number One issue is do you qualify for guaranteed acceptance underwriting for Medigap Plan G or the more expensive Plan F? A number of factors will determine which plan you may purchase.
  2. The Number 2 issue concerns your qualifying scenario i.e. Did you actually lose your Medicare Advantage Plan or just your Physician?
  3. The Number 3 issue is properly filling out the application for a supplemental medigap insurance plan.  In other words, how to avoid disaster when completing the application (because you provided the wrong response). An experienced, local agent can provide free technical assistance here.

You reduce the risk of a critical mistake when using a local insurance agent, experienced in this area.  Not a regular insurance agent, but one who specializes in only Medicare.  Just as you would use a neurosurgeon specialist in lieu of your primary care physician for surgery on your brain.

Consider yourself lucky to find an agent who is local, still accepting new clients, and writes with lots of insurance companies, that’s a bonus.

We are a bay area, family-owned insurance agency of 65 years and can assist with enrollment applications for multiple medigap insurance companies.  Please know there is no extra cost to your premium and the insurance company compensates the agent.  Using an experienced, local agent is always better when it comes to avoiding an enrollment mistake.  Always check YELP and NextDoor ratings.

If you are facing “Returning to original Medicare” deadlines and need answers now, phone (408) 252-7300 or schedule your own telephone consult using our CALENDER link.

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